Daniel Smythe-Smith, Earl of Winstead, has been in a self imposed exile for three years after a drunken card game got out of control and he ends up shooting his good friend, Hugh. He has been constantly looking over his shoulder, guarding his life against Hugh's father who vowed to kill him for damaging his son. When Hugh tracks him down one day to say it is safe to return home finally, Daniel does and arrives just in time for the annual Smythe-Smith quartet musicale. He is intrigued by the lovely woman playing the piano who is surely no relation of his so how is she playing in his family's musicale?Anne Wynter can not believe how she got roped into playing the piano when it is her charges eldest sisters job. But as she wants to keep a low profile and she needs to keep her job, she sees no other option. Looking up during a break, she spots Daniel and is immediately drawn to him. As their flirtation grows, so does their attraction and respect but Anne knows her place in life and she is hiding a secret that will surely shame Daniel. However, when her past catches up to her, Anne will do what she must to protect Daniel and her charges--even if it means leaving Daniel forever.Ah, Julia Quinn. She can take a common storyline--a woman scored by her family for one reckless mistake and forced to be a governess or companion and then falls for an earl--and weave it in such a delightful manner! The sparring between Daniel and Anne is such fun to read and the addition of Daniel's younger cousins, to whom Anne is governess too, add another layer of fun that makes me wish for my own passel of sisters and thankful that I don't have three sisters at the same time. Watching the love grow between our couple was sweet, tender and sexy at the same time. If you are looking for a deep, serious book...this is not that book. If you are looking for something light-hearted, fun, delightful and guaranteed to make you smile and laugh but with just enough suspense to keep it from being too light, A Night Like This is for you! I believe old fans of Julia Quinn will be delighted with this book as will newcomers. Julia Quinn just seems to have some extra magic in her writing to make you smile the whole book and leave you sighing at the end. 4 starsSide note: I was hoping the pink shoe on the cover would play some sort of role in the storyline but I didn't notice it. Sigh, oh well :)I received this eARC from Avon via edelweiss.com